Over 15+ years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Vgoshinfo is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.


189, Sayee Nagar, 8th St, Virugambakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600092


+91-80568 48685

Here are the Technologies We Specialise

.Net Technologies
.Net Technologies
Windows Phone, Dynamics
XNA Games, Navision
SharePoint, Reporting Services
EPiServer, CRM

Java Technologies
Java Technologies
hybris, Adobe Experience Manager (CQ5)
Liferay, Alfresco WebLogic
Apigee, JBoss, Tomcat, Jetty
Node.js Spring (Core, Security etc.)
Bootstrap, Angular JS, jQuery | Backbone JSF, Velocity, Tiles
ZK Elastic Search, Solr
Adobe Search & Promote, MongoDB
MSSQL, Hibernate, JPA, Mule ESB
REST, SOAP, Thrift Hadoop, Mahout
Perl Technologies
Perl Technologies
Catalyst, Mojolicious
Dancer, mod_perl
Mason, Template::Toolkit DBIx::Class
Moose, CGI, CPAN
Full Stack TCP/UDP/RAW
MySQL, PostreSQL JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3
Bootstrap, Ember.js
SoapUI, Selenium, TestComplete
Winrunner, JMeter, AppPerfect, SilkTest
Microsoft Web Application Stress Tool, Grinder, Apache ab
Jira, Bugzilla, Mantis, Fogbugz, Trac
JUnit, NUnit, httpunit
PHP Technologies
PHP Technologies
Zend Framework, Symphony
Magento Enterprise
CodeIgniter, CakePHP
WordPress, Drupal
JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3
Bootstrap, Backbone.js, Node.js

Mobile Development
Mobile Development
React Native | Flutter | Ionic | Cordova | Android, iOS, C++ | Windows Phone | Blackberry, Symbian | PhoheGap, jQuery Mobile Titanium

Blockchain | Open-Source | Perl Technologies | Cloud and Infra |  Mobile Development | Testing | Internet of Things

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